A Sustainable Customer Data Platform for Safran Vectronix AG.
Safran Vectronix has recognised that simple, long-term documentation of the customer relationship makes service more efficient and always offers new sales approaches. It protects against misunderstandings or wrong decisions.
Our solution
- The solution combines SAP R/3 with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft SharePoint
- Lead management for unqualified potential customers
- Automated offers in sales and after sales
- Multilingual PDF offers based on text modules
- Create automated service activities
- QR code for received material
- Uniform filing of documents
- Team collaboration
- Dedicated authorizations (workgroups, approval, etc.)
- Intranet
- Basis for further digitization steps in contracts and purchasing
How Safran Vectronics benefits from Microsoft CRM
- Significantly simplified and accelerated processes in sales and after-sales service
- Greater data and process transparency
- Data security in collaboration and customer data
- Reduced search effort due to uniform storage of documents
- Efficient and individual customer service
“The world is changing fast and customers are changing with it. The customer will not adapt to business needs, so business agility is the key to success. This is exactly the vision we are pursuing at Safran Vectronix with our Microsoft Dynamics solution. Dynamics digitises, unifies, simplifies and accelerates our processes in sales and optimises collaboration with other departments.”
Patrick Drach
Director Sales and Marketing, VP Safran Vectronix AG