Online does AI Solutions.
Online does digital. AI Solutions.
Next-level business solutions with artificial intelligence

As a Swiss pioneer in the field of AI solutions, we support companies in the development of business solutions with artificial intelligence.

Our AI experts discuss with your specialists, refine the initial ideas and ensure that the new solution delivers maximum benefit – always within the agreed budget, of course.

We also work closely with your company’s specialists to implement the projects collaboratively. Because their know-how, coupled with our expertise, is what really makes the project fly. We use modern low-code technologies and the services of Microsoft and Open AI. This allows us to show you a first version in a short time, which can then be further optimized.

Safety is our top priority. We take care that your company data remains private.

Is your company ready for AI? Do the check now.


Watch our webinar or browse through our AI-Insights.

We are your AI Partner

AI Consulting

Our experts will advise you throughout the entire process: from the initial idea to the final integration of AI into your business processes.

AI development teams

With our nearshoring center in Poland, we can quickly recruit top talent for your AI project.

Microsoft AI Copilot Integration

We train the Microsoft AI Copilot with your data

Microsoft Copilot makes everyday work in Microsoft 365 easier with artificial intelligence and ensures that both employees and customers can find information more quickly and easily. We train the Microsoft Copilot with your company data so that you can easily access all the company knowledge you have collected in the future.

Possible applications


With the AI Copilot, information can be found more quickly in order to buy the right product or spare part, for example.


All relevant information about a product is accessible via chat. In this way, the sales team makes the right decisions regarding prices and delivery time, thus optimizing the sales process.

Customer service

Employees have access to all relevant customer information via chat. This guarantees efficient and high-quality customer service.


AI Copilot simplifies management tasks with easy access analytics, reports and forecasts.

Product development

All information on products can be accessed quickly and easily from a central location.

Possible data sources:

Chat GPT integration

Better customer advice thanks to intelligent chatbot

Our team trains Chat GPT with your website’s specific data to create a customized AI chat that perfectly fits your business and improves your website’s user experience.

Machine Learning


We integrate generative AI into search functions to extract valuable insights from various databases.

Combating fraud

AI integrations protect a wide range of systems with automatic anomaly and fraud detection.

Forecasts & trends

AI-based modeling and forecasting solutions identify future trends or potential problem cases. That way, you’re always one step ahead.

Is your company ready for AI? Do the check now.

Discuss with Maciej.

Have an exciting idea or want to know how you can use AI for your business?

Ralf Angermann

Project Manager | Teamlead

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