Online does Microsoft Teams.
Online does digital. Microsoft Teams.
This turns the tool into a super weapon.

Microsoft Teams has established itself as a leading platform for communication and collaboration and provides a good basis for efficient work processes. But in order to exploit the full potential of this platform, it is crucial not only to configure it correctly, but also to add targeted extensions.

By customizing Teams to your organization’s specific needs and adding features and integrations, we transform Teams into a tailored solution that seamlessly integrates with or even enhances your existing processes.

From project management to file sharing to quality management, we’ll make teams a powerful tool you’ll never want to be without.

Teams can be extended intelligently

Over the years, a wide variety of best practices have emerged from our implemented projects. We often integrate the following systems with Microsoft Teams at our customers:

We are experts for

This is how we proceed

We divide our Scope of work into these modular packages:

Online does digital with Microsoft.

You can rely on us, because we are an official Microsoft partner.

How can we optimize your M365?

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